
From the Smith County Pioneer


-- Have you ever noticed how nothing is impossible for those who don't have to do it?
-- In just two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday.
-- Whatever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly.
-- I love cooking with wine. Sometimes, I even put it in the food.


May  Meetings: Clyde Kensinger

May 2 - Clyde Kensinger, Political Cartoons
May 9 - Gary Krohe, Topeka High School Architecture
May 16 - Frank Chaffin, WREN Internet Radio
May 23 - Bill Schaffer, KTWU, Silent Film Festival
May 30 - NO MEETING!!!

Report on Flower Sales:

Carrie Lancaster is reporting that we have sold out of the 12" flower pots, but we still have the following for sale:
Baskets: 6 red, 10 pink splash, & 7 violet
Individuals: 16 red, 9 pink splash & 17 violet
(This is a great money maker for the club and Carrie has worked hard on this project... let's sell out!!)


April 18th - No minutes available


April 25th - No minutes available