Current News

November speakers

Nov. 18th - Joe Patton

Nov. 25th there is NO MEETING (Just Turkey leftovers served 101 different ways.)

November 4, 2011_______________________________________________________

“The Alchemist Pot”
“Earthquake – Government – Kinds – Missionaries”

Volume 1 Number 5
HOT HAITI … almost become Hades for 10 missionaries from the United States. Our guest speaker, attorney Caleb Stegall, recounted for us the3 part he played in helping obtain the freedom from a Haitian prison for 5 American citizens, who had been arrested for “child trafficking” while attempting t rescue 50 Haitian kids after the devastating earthquake in January 2010.

There were enough ‘real plot twist’ to be the basis for a great TV movie about what all Caleb had to do and the many ‘colorful individuals’ he had to deal with in order to obtain freedom for the missionaries. And having to do it all without the help of the U.S. State Department. Just one of the many interesting facts was the help he received from the National Reporters (New York Times, CNN (Anderson Cooper), who were on site in Hiati reporting the stories. Thanks, Caleb for your personal story. Caleb is also the private attorney for Governor Sam Brownback.

BE PREPARED … to hear about our local Boy Scouts from David Osborne at our next meeting. Sky King ain’t got nothing on our local scouts when it comes to flying.  Come hear another OUTSTANDING program at your Topeka Downtown Optimist Club.

BREAKFAST … with the Southwest club this Wednesday, November 9th. We will be making an Inter Club visit to the Southwest club, who meet Wednesday at 7:00 A.M. at Hearthstone Retirement. (Just East of 6th & Gage) Coach Bob Chipman, from Washburn University will be the speaker. Joanne and myself will be there, so please join us.

Joe Patton had as his guest, his wife Cindy Patton, who will be joining our club! Yeah Cindy!

DECK THE HALLS … and the Christmas Tree lot on Saturday, November 19th. We will be helping the Southwest Club set up the Christmas tree lot that morning. Sons and grandsons are MOST welcome to help with this assembly, 29th Street across from Brookwood Dillon’s.

Bob Lewis … left Clark long enough to split the pot with O.I.  Teola Maxwell … was having coffee someplace else when her badge # was called.
Don Lee …….. got the M&M’s when his name was picked from the sign-in roster.


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November 11, 2011  ____________________________________________________________________________

“The Alchemist Pot”

“Planes – Young People – Solo – Pilots”

YOUNG PEOPLE… and airplanes. David Osborne gave an outstanding program regarding young men and women and their opportunities to learn to fly airplanes.  The flight program is available for young people, age 14 – 18, who have a desire to learn to fly. The “Aviation Explorer Squadron” meets every Saturday morning, year around, at Billard Airport.  Topeka is one of the oldest programs, of the nature, in the United States.  It was very informative to hear about what is being done with some of the young people in Topeka.  This program truly is representative of what Optimist International and The Topeka Downtown Optimist Club strive to achieve with and for young people.

JOE PATTON … our own, is the program for next week.  This will be the last meeting for November so please attend.

A MOST SUCCESSFUL … inter-club visit was made last Wednesday to the Southwest Optimist Club at their 7:00 A of M meeting. Nancy Foster – Leland Kinball – Bill Kastens – Joanne and Clyde Kensinger were those who made the EARLY morning trekkkk!!! Coach Bob Chipman of Washburn was the program.

WHITE LAKES CLUB … is holding an appreciation dinner on Saturday, November 19th at 6:00 PM at Annie’s Place, in Gage Center, for Erich Naethe a long time member of their club and someone who has been very active in Optimist Work, in Topeka, for over 30 years. Erich has early stages of Alzheimer’s and the club wants to show him how much they appreciate him and his Optimist work. Those of us who can attend I know Erich and the White Lakes club would greatly appreciate. Please call me if you plan on attending so I can give a count to the White Lakes Club, 272-5381.

SATURDAY MORNING … Nov. 19th at 9:00 AM. The joint Christmas tree lot between Southwest and Downtown Club will set up at the Christmas Tree lot, 29th Street, just north of Dillons in Brookwood. Setting poles, stringing lights, and other necessary prep work will be done to get ready for the Christmas Trees. This will be our second year to share work and profits with the Southwest Club. Our club last year recognized a very nice PROFIT from this project. Mark your calendar – we need your help.

Mike Akulow Jr, … went two for three when he won the shared pot with O.I. and then when his name was called from the attendance list.

Ed Zeller … missed out on his chocolate marshmallow Santa when his badge number was called.


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